Wednesday, August 5, 2009


ARABIC : Henna
English :Henna tree
Lawsonia inermis
Family : Lythracae
DISCRITION : Shrubs or small tree 2-5 meters high
uses :The shrubis used in partioning of gardens and green spaces. The dried leaves used a cosmatic and dye . Leaves commercially processed and form an export item .
Women in Sudan used processed henna leaves to dye their legs and hands.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wedding Traditions In Nubia

Wedding Traditions In Nubia

The preparations for wedding begun at henna day , the bridegroom had to undergo a henna ceremony , in this day a sheep or two were slaughtered according to guests numbers .

The henna ceremony begun after the sun set or in the after -noon , the bridegroom lay in a bed in which they put a straw mat decorated with different colors called in our local language (ghajary) . The female relatives of the bridegroom rubbed oil into the soles of his feet and palms and fingers then covered them with a paste of henna mixed with water .

The bridegroom unmarried friends then colored their fingers with rest of the paste , thus participating in the bridegroom,s happiness .

In the past the dowry of the son is in the form of land and date palms which publicly announced by the parents , nowadays this tradition in our home (country ) became out of date and dowry of the son is only 50 Sudanese pounds .

Women do the (nuqta ) and this a collection of money and goods takes place to help the bridegroom,s mother cover the expenses , all these donations entered into a book .

At night of the henna day the musicians play drums , now more sophisticated instuments were used for traditional dances (Nubian dance) in which two rows of men and women face each other and move rhythmically towards each other .

Women standing in the big circle surrounding the dancers break out in a high – pitched warbling sounds to accompany the dance.

On brides house there is no dancing on that evening , here a sheep is slaughtered and the bride too undergo the henna ceremony .

Before some days from wedding , the bridegroom send new dresses , costumes and some food stuff which is called in arabic (shaila ) .

In the moring of the wedding day a calf is slaughtered , also two sheeps or more were slaughtered according to guests numbers , accompanied with shrill – trills of the women .

All guests took part in the big feast that served in a big tent ( sewan ) , pitched near the house and after the serving of feast is completed , the marriage agreement concluded in accordance to Islamic law .

In the past and during serving the feast many of the guests went to bridegroom,s house to take him to his bride . On arrival at the entrance he was given a bowl of sweetened milk from which the bridegroom had to drink seven times , the rest was drunk by his friends toasting his health . Only the bridegroom allowed to see his bride for a few seconds , several women accompanied him to his bride room and allowed him to touch her forehead (in local nubin= gossa gabir ).

When he retuned back radiant with happiness, all congratulated him .

At night , during the party , the bridegroom and his bride sat on a small raised platform under the tent roof to receive the congratulations of the guests , celelbrations goes till dawn , and when the sun rises the couple leave to their honey moon .